Meanwhile, the girls in tuxes successfully crash the prom– sort of. Uh, maybe don’t tell people she committed a crime then, Regina. Regina decides to do the weird thing and tell Wes about Daphne’s vandalism but also ask that charges not be pressed against her. She’s correct, but how did she get to that conclusion based solely on Daphne withholding some information? When Regina asks her to explain herself, Daphne runs off. Regina finds out that Daphne didn’t tell her that Nacho vandalized her construction site and somehow jumps right from that to guessing that Daphne helped vandalize it. But why don’t we get to see any dudes in pretty dresses?! And where did they all get the time and money for prom dresses two seconds before prom? It tuns out Bay isn’t doing this alone: all the women in her friend group are in tuxes. Your girlfriend is still clearly a beautiful woman. Emmett looks way too upset by this and says “I didn’t think we would be twins.” Calm down, dude. But guess what, y’all? She decided to wear a tuxedo instead. The whole family is gathered around to see Bay in her prom dress. Toby comes home so he can change into a toga before his frat party. They became friends like two episodes ago and are already acting like a married couple. He finds out that Toby actually already got a gig– at his old frat. Tank, in a pink shirt (it doesn’t mean he’s some sort of pink doughnut eater), posts flyers for Toby to help him with his Kansas DJ career. That’s not a thing, but okay.ĭaphne admits to her supervisor that she took the oxycodone from the clinic but explains that she flushed them down the sink as soon as she got home as though that in any way makes up for straight up theft. Regina says that she should use her authority as prom queen to do something.
It feels like she doesn’t have much motivation in this storyline other than the writers had a post-it note that said her downward spiral needs to hit rock bottom.īay tells Regina about the prom’s rule. Instead of taking it back to the clinic where the injured people are. or something he just wants his DJ career to take off…in Kansas.ĭaphne dumps the oxycodone she stole in the sink. Especially since he’s not even moving to L.A. I don’t know why they expected us to be invested in someone’s DJ career. Meanwhile, Toby is still trying to be a DJ. I know she’s in a downward spiral but it’s very very perplexing. She’s sent off to get supplies to help him but instead stops, contemplates for a while and then steals some oxycodone. Someone comes into the clinic where Daphne is working, in desperate need of urgent care. Hilary never wears dresses so she doesn’t want to go to prom.
Natalie and Hilary tell Bay and her friends how upset they are about an email blast saying that there’s a dress code for prom: all girls have to wear dresses and all boys have to wear tuxedos.